How to Write a Short Story? Story Writing

How to Write a Short Story?

How to write a short story

How to Write a Short Story?

Not all writers have the desire and time to write novels. Maybe you’ve already written a book, but want to try something different. If so, you may be tempted to write a short story.

Magazines, newspapers, blogs, and anthologies all want short stories, and many of these publications reward their authors. Here we will guide you with some amazing tips and tricks to unleash your inner storywriter.

Sometimes, there is an amazing idea stuck up in your head, and you grab a paper and start writing. But wait, no words are coming in your mind to express that amazing idea. You feel like you are not a good writer and you will never be able to write. But that is just the opposite of truth. Story writing is beautiful because you get to create something. It is a creation, an art. Remember that even painters
struggle with their paintings a lot, story writing is just like that too.

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas

Writers do it all the time. That is why a society needs writers, to give them hope. To give them new ideas, that inspire them.


Story writing is not difficult at all. Here are some guidelines on how to a write short story.


How to Make a Sketch/Outline of a Story?

Fortunately, planning short stories is quite simpler than drafting a whole novel, but still it is suggested
to write outline of short story. It ensures that the plot flows smoothly from beginning to end. Story writing is more fun when you have a clear plot in your head.

This is undoubtedly helpful for those of you who prefer outlining over writing intuitively.

  • Your chosen point of view
  • How you’ll begin the narrative
  • How you will go from the start to the major problem
  • What unfolds at the “climax”
  • Getting the fundamental problem solved
  • The end


Complete your Story in Limited Words

Save your time and words. The short story requires to have a purpose for everything. Every statement should be read several times, and you should consider whether it is truly
necessary. Does it serve the more important goal of enhancing the plot of your story?

“A short story must have a particular tone, and every phrase must build toward it” (Edgar Allan Poe)


Number of Characters should be Minimum

A large number of characters is difficult to deploy effectively in a short story and difficult for readers to follow.

The only persons a short story needs are a hero, a villain, and someone who connects the two.

Readers need someone to cheer them on, someone to despise, and sometimes someone to push the character development of the protagonist or antagonist. These are some important factors of story writing.


Create Dialogues in the Story 

Avoid taking too long to set the scene since short stories need to be finished swiftly. Effective dialogues bring stories to life.

Give your leading role a scenario to engage in, like playing a soccer game. After that, concentrate on the conversation to advance the plot and create tension.

Using accurate dialogues is the most effective way to create drama.


“We have to go somewhere safe before it reaches us”

“Go save your life then. My life ended when I lost my only child”

“That’s why I can’t afford to lose you either. Get up before the storm get to us!”


Maintain the Flow within Events

Short stories need to move quickly. The tempo typically quickens as the hero gets closer to the last battle. A short story must get off to a fast start. Immerse the reader into the action from page one where it usually begins and bring it to the ultimate climax.


Give the Reader a Cause to Support

Once more, every short story needs a protagonist. Making the reader care about that hero is the challenge. There are a few strategies you may use to make the reader feel more connected to your protagonist.

Give your main character a passion that the reader will likely identify with. Give them the purpose to step outside of their comfort zone. Give your hero a flaw that they can only
reveal to the reader.

Another effective strategy is to provide a window into your protagonist’s mind. This will give him a genuine feeling, which will entice the reader.


Create Chaos

Short stories must focus on just one area of conflict. Typically, a short story needs no more than one. The protagonist should have some sort of decision-making process or difficulty. There should be a healthy amount of tension surrounding the issue. Readers are kept interested and immersed in your short story through conflict and tension. According to Kurt Vonnegut, authors should show some sadism. Make your major characters experience awful things so readers get to know their actual strength. There is never too much tension in short stories.


Ending in Story Writing

Some authors find it simpler to begin a short story than to write its end. Others find that the conclusion comes rather naturally. Many imagination and work go into every aspect of the story. There are several ways to conclude an ending. Among them are:

Solved Ending

A conclusive ending that closes all plotlines and arcs, leaving no room for questions and concerns.

A Cliffhanger

Depending on the cliffhanger, the short story may conclude with the main character in danger or with a startling revelation.

Twisted Ending

A surprising conclusion might let the reader down or provide relief after a heartbreaking passage. Readers are likely to feel something when they read an ending like this.


Edit the Masterpiece

Everything has a capability to reach perfection. You have written a story. Now it is time to proofread it. Correct the mistakes. Read it as a viewer, forget that you wrote it. It will
help you to identify loopholes.

Never be afraid to correct yourself.



Start getting feedback about the story from someone non-judgmental. If you have a family member who is interested in reading stories. Go make them check your story. Never get disheartened by the criticism. Learn something better from it, and work yourself towards perfection. We can only correct our mistakes when we identify them!



Writing story is not hard at all if you have an “idea” you want to write on. Some proper guidelines will take your story towards perfection. Above mentioned tips will help you to write a better story. You have your talent, polish it and make a difference in this world by your stories! 

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