Take a Quiz on Adverb

A Quiz on Adverb

Quiz on Adverb

A Quiz on Adverb

Difficulty Level : Medium

Total Questions: 10

Total Marks : 100 

Welcome to your quiz on adverb

Already, now, never, formerly, soon, since, etc., are adverbs of____.

up, out, in, within, away, etc., are adverbs of ___.

____ are the words which come before an adjective clause.

___ adverbs are placed in the beginning of the sentence.

Adverbs always end with ly.

Like adjectives, adverbs also have degrees of comparison.

Invalidly is an adverb of ___.

choose adverb of affirmation.

"He was hungry, so he went to the restaurant". Identify the adverb from sentence.

Adverb are the words that modifiy _____ .

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