Take a Quiz on Conjunction

A Quiz on Conjunctions

Quiz on conjunction

A Quiz on Conjunctions

Difficulty Level : Medium

Total Questions: 10

Total Marks : 100 

Welcome to your quiz on conjunction

The word conjunction means ______.

There are ____ types of conjunctions.

Correlative conjunctions are used as ____.

In order that, as if, as soon as, as well as, inasmuch as, provided that, even if, etc are correlative conjunctions.

There are ___ classes of conjunctions.

The conjunctions which join together two sentences or clauses of equal rank or significance are known as co-ordinating conjunctions.

Co-ordinating conjunctions connect two ___ clauses together.

There are ____ kinds of coordinating conjunctions.

Cumulative conjunctions are also called _____ conjunctions.

Conjunction is a simple word that joins ____.

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