Take a Quiz on Pronoun

A Quiz on Pronoun

Quiz on Pronoun

A Quiz on Pronoun

Difficulty Level : Medium

Total Questions: 10

Total Marks : 100 

Welcome to your quiz on pronoun

Pronoun is defined as a word that replaces a ____ in a sentence.

I, we, he, she, they, are ___ pronouns.

Me, us, him, her, them are ____ pronouns.

There are ___ types of personal pronoun.

Possessive pronouns show___.

Anyone is a ____ pronoun.

Whom, whoever, whomever, who, that, which and whose are____ pronouns.

______ pronouns are the nouns that take place of a noun that’s already been mentioned in a sentence.

"Jane and Lizzy are laughing at each other." here "each other" is ___ pronoun.

Either, every, neither, none, everyone, and any are ____ pronouns

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