When to use an exclamation mark in a sentence?

Where and when to use an exclamation mark correctly in a sentence?

Where and when to use a exclamation mark in English

To show emphasis, we use an exclamation mark at the end of a statement, a word or a sentence. We frequently use an exclamation mark (!) to indicate strong feeling or give a command.

Examples of exclamation marks in sentences:

  • Speak! I am listening to you.
  • Yes! You are right.
  • Standup! Sing for our victory!
  • What a lovely day!
  • That’s unbelievable!
  • Hurrah! We have won the match.
  • Help! Help! My car is on fire.

Note: When we place an exclamation mark at the end of any sentence, we use no other punctuation mark e.g. question mark or full stop (period).Look at the sentences below:

  • Are you crazy!
  • Can you speak loudly!

Note: When a sentence ends with an abbreviation, you have to place an exclamation mark if statement falls under exclamatory class. If a sentence ends with abbreviation and statement carries a question, then place a question mark at the end of sentence followed by full stop.look at below examples to understand.

  • I am happy! I have passed my B.Ed.!
  • Can you pass M.Ed.?
  •  M.Ed. is easy to pass rather than B.Ed.

Exercise for the students:

Read out sentences below and place necessary punctuation marks where needed.

  • Wow stop here what a lovely scene is this let me take a shot
  • I am starving please give me a glass of milk
  • I passed my exam what a lovely day