Word level Grammar | English Grammar

Word Level Grammar | English Grammar

Word Level Grammar Literary English

Grammar is a way in which words are arranged in a proper order to form a meaningful sentence. We divide grammar in two levels.

(i) Word level Grammar

(ii)Sentence Level Grammar

Words are initial building blocks that construct any language. There are various numbers of letter in any language to form up words. These words are initial building blocks to form up a language. In English language words are formed by only 26 letters starting from A to Z. 

Below is a detailed article on the study of words 

English words are generally divided into two groups according to the role and function. These two groups are: function words and content words.

Function Words 

Function words include auxiliary verbs, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and articles. These words are used to connect content words and to convey their information in a correct way. These words play passive roles in the sentence.

Content Words

Content words include those words that contain information or idea. Noun, verb, adverb, and adjective are placed in content words. These words play an active role in sentence. 

Parts of Speech

All words in English language are placed in nine different groups according to the role of the words. These nine group are known are parts of speech. These are: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, interjection and determiners. Some writers and websites count only eight parts of speech and place determiner under the category of adjectives. However, advance studies count determiner as a separate part of speech. These nine parts of speech indicate how the words function within the sentence. An individual word may function as more than one part of speech when used in various sentences.

We have discussed word level grammar in this session. Click here for sentence level grammar.